martes, 17 de enero de 2012

This morning, Mr. Jim Fisher serenaded our crew at 6:15 a.m. with his bag pipes. Some loved it, some did not. :)  Pancakes were cooked for breakfast and some ate fried eggs or scrambled.  After breakfast, we got right to work on mixing up many many many loads of concrete. We had a pretty nice system rolling. Sam and Kevin worked on screeting the new sidewalk at the Oasis.  Wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow kept rolling  the goods to Sam/Kevin.  The 3 ladies then napped on the grass for a good 1/2 hr while the men continued to tinker and work.  I had the opportunity to play a couple games with a couple little ladies and we had a great time. I tought them some fun dance moves on a super slick floor. They wanted to dance over and over again.  These girls are super cute and sweet!!! Lunch was tasty and consisted of black beans with rice and pico de gallo, blackberries and marshmallow with cinnamon fluff, tortillas made with cornmeal maybe?, and fried squash.  After lunch, we ventured back to the Lily where some were figuring out how to put a steel roof on some steel beams and the rest continued to sledge, shovel, sweep, pick up, toss etc...We will have dinner and devotions soon followed by playing a game Dave Mcclure might have created called Zonk, sounds devious and intense.  We've had some good felllowship time and some interesting card arguements.

Until next time, this dirty crew is cleaning up.

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